
Melbourne, VIC

Reg. No: DBU-64940

Timber Inspection License MPLTC7633T


Common Issues Identified in Property Condition Surveys

December 6, 2024

Hiring property surveyors to come and check out the condition of a building before you buy is always a good idea. These experts are trained to inspect every nook and cranny of the building for potential risks or hidden flaws that might cost a lot to repair. With property surveyors fine-combing the property for you, you can make a much safer buying decision.

It is especially important to hire property surveyors if the building is older than 50 years or if you are not sure if a qualified building contractor was used when the building was constructed. You will be amazed at the most common property issues that surveyors frequently unearth while inspecting buildings.

Here is a quick look at some of the most common issues that property inspectors uncover when they are inspecting buildings.

Asbestos Materials

Some old buildings still contain asbestos materials. A building that contains these toxic materials is definitely one you want to avoid buying. 

Not only are these buildings a risk to your health, but it can also be expensive to get all of the asbestos materials safely cleared away from the site and to get the restorations done to cover up the areas that have been stripped.

Property surveyors still frequently identify these toxic materials in old buildings and can offer some guidance on just how much asbestos the building contains so you can decide to proceed with the sale or find a property that might be a little bit safer.

Wall Cracks

Wall cracks are a type of issue that is usually very easy to spot. We had to include it on our list because it is one of the most common problems that property inspectors discover. In many cases, the wall cracks have been covered up and it can be challenging to see if the house has foundational issues. 

A property inspector will do a good job fine-tuning all of the walls for signs of cracks and will report any findings, no matter how big or small, back to you. 

Dampness or Moisture Damage

Ventilation problems, dampness, and moisture damage are some issues that property inspectors always look out for. These issues are very common in buildings. The dampness can indicate a leak in the home’s plumbing system or it could be a sign of poor ventilation inside the roof. In any case, the humidity or moisture can seep into the walls or roof structure and can cause a lot of damage. 

A good property inspector can help identify these problems and will tell you if there are any walls or structures that might be affected by moisture or mould.

Drainage Issues

You will be surprised at how many properties have faulty drainage systems. These drainage issues can be caused by faulty drain pipes or a gutter system that started sagging. Bathroom or sink drainage issues are especially troublesome because these problems can be very complex to fully restore.

As an interested buyer, you certainly want to know if there are any issues with the plumbing or drains or you could have a serious problem on your hands shortly after buying.

Electrical Issues

Electrical issues are some of the riskiest flaws that homes can have because these problems pose a huge fire risk. Despite the risk, surprisingly many people are negligent with their home’s wiring systems and electrical issues are often detected in properties. 

Electrical flaws can be very risky and costly to repair, which is exactly why you always need to be aware of these problems. 

Professional Building Inspection in Melbourne

Property inspectors are great at identifying all sorts of structural concerns, plumbing problems, electrical faults, and other issues. If you want to ensure that the building you are buying is safe then it is best to call Guardian Building Inspections to come and check things out for you. When these professionals are done, you will have a much better idea of the condition of the building.

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